Physical description

Advance Bendigo and the North League, Allan's Walk, Pall Mall, Bendigo. Letterhead printed in dark blue and grey. At the top are sun rays above a cloud? On the right it has a map showing Bendigo and a large area to the North, North East and North West. On the left is an oval shape with the names of the Patron, His Worship the Mayor of Bendigo Cr. W. H. Taylor, President: Cr. G. D. Garvin, J.P., Vice-President W. Cowling, Esq, Executive Committee, Cr. J. Michelsen, J. L. Shoosmith, Cr. W. H. Taylor, J. Jeffrey, Dr. A. Beischer, C. L. Stilwell,A. L. Bolton O.B.E., W. Wallace, Lt. Col. G. V. Lansell, M.L.C.