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Printed page from family history (page 47) ''Burrow Burra and Borough'' (??) by Pauline E Powell, 1996. Page has reference to ''Old Lady Smith'' from Aspendale; Roy Powell; George Powell; Edna Foo; Iris Powell; William Foo; Perce Powell; Joyce Irene Fopoco; James Leonard Fopoco; Janice Yvonne Fopoco; Mrs Wilshire; Fopoco dances (Foo Powell Company) ; Elmore Post Office; ANA Hall. This page has obviously some continuation onto P. 48 - but not in collection. Page is a family history from marriage of George Powell and Rene in 1925 through to George's move to Maryborough Post Office (early WW2). Additional sheet re donation from Pauline Powell (BHS letterheaded paper) with supportive family history information.