Physical description

Digital image: Matthews Bros, Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, document issued to Miss. D. Cherry, c/-Mrs. Burke, Old House at Home Hotel, c/- Whytes Bus, Andrews Auction Rooms, On label ' Matthews Bros., Hargreaves Street, Pall Mall, Bendigo.. Look for the busy red emporium where quality tells. Drapers, mercers, ladies wear etc. Sent by email from Maurice Austin, Oak Park Vic., ([email protected] ) His email states, 'was given this label today by the 80 year old son of the D. Cherry noted on the label. She was in fact to become Dorothy Fartch, my donor's mother. …. Before she was married she was employed by Ma Burke at the Old House at Home pub, and often acted as a 'cockatoo' out fron on Sundays! … the name Whytes still sadly in the news I note from searches today The pub still exists also I note. ….the label was and still is attached to a large piece of brown wrapping paper that was used to line a big wooden box as was typical usage in the old days. Please credit 'Maurice Austin Collection' if the label is used for any purpose.