Physical description

black and white image ( copy ) : image shows Cobb & Co., coach, passengers, men up front, team of horses. Coach is standing in front of weatherboard building, large open doorway, four men standing in it. On bottom : An Austrralian built 'Cobb' coach. / Sign on roof states 'Cobb & Co Ltd Coach & Buggy Builders .- Coachworks were established in Bathurst, Bourke, Goulburn, Hay and Charleville, business boomed and the name of ‘Cobb & Co’ became the byword for cutting edge communications and transport facilities across eastern Australia.''Cobb & Co Factories Shortly after its arrival in Bathurst, Cobb & Co established the first of five coach works, both to supply its own transportation and as a commercial venture. The factory was situated at the Black Bull Inn, on the corner of Howick and Bentinck Streets, and a variety of prize-winning horse-drawn conveyances were built on the site (including an unsuccessful single-wheel vehicle to cater for rough and steep country). The factory was transferred to new premises in William Street in 1876, by which time Cobb & Co factories were also operating in Hay, Goulburn and Bourke in New South Wales and at Charleville in Queensland.///The horses are wearing blinkers

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