Physical description

PAPER (ESSAY) ON MINERS COMPLAINT BENDIGO'S DREADED SCOURGE'' (PHTHISIS). A. 13 page essay with annotation to this title being: ''see also RHSV Marunari Newsletter Index by Ruth Hopkins''. Also - ''(by) Mrs Ruth Hopkins'' handwritten annotation on last page. Detailed coverage of the topic - miners complaint/tuberculosis/ phthisis/silicosis with references. Last page has handwritten addition re 1940s when X ray machine available for use in Bendigo. B. Handwritten copy of advertisement in Bendigo Advertiser 18/11/1899 re 'cure (Cura Vitae product); C. Photo attached to last page of framed presentation to Ex- Cr. W Willkie re ''Watson's Sustenation Fund'' for ''Services rendered as Treasurer of the Miners' Art Union Committee.(group portrait of 14 men - names below are probably illegible. D. Duplicate copy of Essay (without last page annotations/photo)

Inscriptions & markings

Ruth Hopkins, Bendigo Advertiser.