Physical description

Red cover note book dated 30/4/(19)15 with pencilled handwritten heading, Inventory of Plant , Brewery, W & S, [Wine & Spirits] Cordials, Malt House . Inside page is headed 'Top Room' and lists in handwriting numerous items which equipped a brewing operation. Three following pages are headed 'Wine & Spirit Store' and lists various related items. Two following pages are headed 'Brewery Cellar' and list various related items. A page and a half headed 'O W Ice Works' also lists various related items. A page headed 'Changing Room' lists various items. 'Beer Cooler & Store' page has a list of items as well as does five pages headed 'Factory'. Two pages headed 'Cooper Shed', single page headed 'Carpenter Shed', two pages 'Malt House' two pages 'New Chilling Plant, two pages 'Stable' single page 'Blacksmith', Fire Brigade Hose & Connection' ,and finally under 'Motor Cars' heading a Clement Bayard and a Talbot are named with a value respectively of 150 pounds and 500 pounds each.