Physical description

''The Chinese on the Bendigo Goldfield'' - draft paper with pencilled and typed annotations by ''Joch'' (J O O'Hattam) - undated. ; last page states ''Extracts from letters in the O'Breen family, and personal research; These letters were written between 1856 and 1899 by Shane O'Breen''. Mention of - two distinct 'groups' of Chinese (Canton & via California) with their stated differences in appearance and type of working; differences between European and Chinese mines (shafts as well as drives i.e. circular as against rectangular; 'smoking' of the shafts and tunnels by the Chinese; space in Chinese camps i.e. crowding; condition of Chinese camps; fire at Emu Creek camp of 1887; names of camps - Golden Square, Jackass Flat, Myers Flat, Kangaroo Flat, White Hills, Kennington, East Bendigo (Grassy Flat) and ''as far out as Diamond Hill''; Constable Ryan disappearance.

Inscriptions & markings

Shane O'Breen