Physical description

Bendigo Amalgamated Gold Fields Ltd. To Miss G. Alice Jones. Re You V Geo Lakey - County court Summons £59.18.3.Scale C, Sale to Ennor. To Osgood, Land Tax, You V Brauman C. C. S. No. 27 (Special) Scale D £137.1.7, You V Brauman C.C.S. No. 38 (Ordinary), You V Brauman C.C.S. 1924 No. 43 (Special) £137.1.7., Clarence Freeholds-Sale to Bowden, Sea Co. Machinery & Freehold land, Land transferred from New Vic. Catherine Co., re Koch's Pioneer G.M. Co. N.L. transfer of G.M. Lease No 9791 Bendigo, re North Ulster G.M. Co. N.L. transfer of G.M Lease No. 9789 Bendigo. Details of costs and dates varying from June 28 1923 to March 30 1925.Also dated 3/6/25 and Pd 30/7/25.