Physical description

A history of the Parish of St Augustine's Myers Flat - The oldest Church in the Sandhurst Diocese by Fay Parker. A 7 loose- paged printed document covering - early history of Myers Flat; Myers Flat school; building and dedication of church/school (1864); enrolments of children; fund raising; Myers Flat Cricket Club; hotels in Myers Flat (& Brewery)); choir and missions at St Augustine's; teachers and students (incl. names of students in last years); restoration (1964/5); National Trust classification (1970); priests over the years ; names of families still attending St Liborious and St Augustine's with original forebears among first parishioners; bibliography; final page is a poem about ''St Augustine's'' written by Aimee Rees to celebrate the centenary of St Augustine's. B. Single typed page beginning ''My grandmother Anne Rocks was born at Myers Flat on November 2nd, 1867 '' with further information re great grandmother and great grandfather and (10) children of that family - no author given for this page (but could be Fay Parker???)

Inscriptions & markings

Fay Parker