Physical description

The Freedom of Entry to Army Headquarters Survey Regiment Royal Australian Survey Corps, Queen Elizabeth Oval, Bendigo, Sunday, 14th June, 1970.The Mayor of Bendigo Councillor J C M Jeffrey. Presented by City of Bendigo. Photographs of the Mayor of Bendigo Councillor J C M Jeffrey, Colonel Commandant of the Regiment Brigadier D Macdonald and Commanding Officer Lt Col L B Sprenger, MBE. The City of Bendigo On the 14th day of June 1970 we extend to the Commanding Officer, Officers and Men of the A. H. Q. Survey Regiments Greetings Whereas the Bendigo City Council at a meeting held on the 20th day of April 1970 resolved unanimously that in appreciation of your loyal service to Our Sovereign Our Country and Our City and in recognition of the long and close association existing between the city and the Regiment in which so many of our citizens have been proud to serve, we hereby confer upon such Regiment by this Deed and in perpetuity the privilege honour and distinction of the Freedom of Entry into the City of Bendigo on Ceremonial Occasions in full panoply with Swords drown Bayonets fixed Drums beating Bands playing and Colours Flying. In Witness whereof the Common Seal of the Council was hereto affixed on the 14th day on June 1970 in the presence of J C M Jeffrey Mayor A J Watts Town Clerk. Order Of Ceremony Sunday, 14th June commencing at 1.45pm Bendigo Bands will play selections until 2.10pm, when Bands will move off the arena. The parade of Army Headquarters Survey Regiment Marches into the Queen Elizabeth Oval, Led by the Band of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps . . . Bendigo city council 1969-70 councillors listed . . . Officers Serving with Army Headquaters Survey Regiment on 14th June, 1970, listing . . . A Short History of the Regiment's Association with the City of Bendigo; 1942-1970. On 27th March, 1942, 'Fortuna' was occupied by LHQ Cartographic Company, Australian Survey Corps. . . . Commanding Officers of AHQ Survey Regiment. . . 11 pages.