Physical description

(a) A photograph of four young men in military uniform. Name, date and place unknown. (b) One faded black and white photograph of a beach scene. Two children are in the foreground and people behind them are sitting beside the sea. Of particular interest is the fashion of the era. Names, date, place unknown. ( c ) One black and white photograph postcard of an unknown soldier in an army uniform. On the back of the postcard are the words, ' To Mollie with kindest regards from Clyde.' Date and surname unknown. (d) A black and white photograph postcard of an unknown man in a 3 piece suit with fob watch and a handkerchief in his pocket. He wears a tie and a high collar. An imprint at the bottom right hand corner says, ' Kalina 37 & 50 Pall Mall Bendigo.' (e) A damaged black and white photo of an unknown couple. The gentleman is wearing a 3 piece suit and hat. The woman is in a frock and is wearing a long string of beads and a hat. They are standing in front of a fern. (f) A small faded photo of two men and a woman, all unknown, who appear to be sitting on the side of a hill. There is a shed in the distance and other people in the vicinity.