Physical description

Pinned documents totalling 31 in number of Cohns Bros Co, Ten Union Bank, Bendigo payment slips dated from 19th June 1919 to 16th dec 1921 in name of E M W & S E Watson of London. Cohns Bros receipts No's 3435, & 3436 dated 8th December 19?. Typed letter from Cohen & Kirby re interim divi payments Mrs M Tankard and Miss M Landeshut with Receipt No 4431 from M Cohn re Mrs Landeshut and Miss Tankard. Cohen Kirby & Co typed note acknowledging receipt of three cheques dated 14th June 1919 to Mrs Tankard and Miss Landeshut. Union Trustee Company of Australia Limited No 7064 receipt from Cohns Bros being half yearly Dividend dated 9th May 1918. Receipt No M4683 from Cohns Bros re A Salaman's trust in The Equity Trustees Company Ltd dated 21st Jun !917. Receipt No N 5752 re Asher salaman's Trust dated 17th Jun !918. Receipt dated 4th June 1917 in names of Carl, Mary, Rose & V C Dyring. Receipt No J 99 dated 10th December 1917 issued to R W Brown deceased into farmers and Citizens Trustees Company Bendigo Limited. Acknowledgement from farmers and Citizens Trustees Company Bendigo Limited re R Brown estate dated 7th December 1918. Receipt No L 125 re estate R M Brown dated 16th June 1919. Receipt Dated 28th June 1917 re shares held by T Hyland. Receipt dated 14th June 1920 re Hyland estate stamped S J Warnock, F C P A with S J Warnock signature. Union bank of Australia Limited payment slip for credit of E M W & H C Watson dated 11 December 1922. Union Bank of Australia payment slip dated 22 June 1923 for credit E M W & H E Watson. Union Bank of Australia payment slip dated 13th Dec 1923 re E M W & H E Watson. Bank of Australia pay slip estate Mrs F Hyland dated 13th Dec 1922 attached to one penny stamped envelope. The National Bank of Australasia Limited payment slip dated 14th Dec 1923 in name of Mrs F Hyland.