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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Capital Theatre, Bendigo. Tuesday 16th August, 8pm. The Australian Broadcasting Commission presents Sir Bernard Heinze. These concerts are arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Rogramme: Fifteen Cents. Articles with photos of on Sir Bernard Heinze and Wayne Rapier. Annotations. Geelong A.B.C. Subscribers' Committee Members 1966. President: Mr J A Brockman. Secretary: Mr J E McClellend. Committee: Miss A France, Miss E Sheridan, Mrs G Brook, Mrs W G L Cartwright, Mrs HC Fallaw, Mrs R H Hoe, Mrs H G Marfell, Mrs G Pennan, Mr & Mrs D O Davey, Mr C P S Billot, Mr Mervyn Callaghan, Mr E A Goding, Mr J L Grant, Mr R Heagney, Mr P H Larsen, Mr F Loxley, Mr N G Schultz, Mr J Phemister, Miss J Cullen. Australian Broadcasting Commission Constituted under the Broadcasting and Television Act, 1942-1965. Commissioners: J R Darling, E R Dawes, A G Lowndes, H B Halvorsen, J T Reid, Mrs Dorothy Edwards, General Manager: T S Duckmanton. Manager for Victoria: E A Whiteley. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Season of 1966). Leader of Orchestra: Leonard Dommett. First Violins: Bertha Jorgenson, Paul McDermott, Leon La Gruta, Milton Holden, Brian Beatty, Ronald Layton, Rudolf Osadnik. Second Violins: William Glassford, Alex Burlakov, Chrles Reither, Ivan Pietruschka, Robert Pattison, Percy Pledger. Violas: Marston Bate, Henry Wenig,