Document - THE PRAGUE STRING QUARTET, CITY HALL, 27 October, 1965

Physical description

The Prague String Quartet, City Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, 27th October 1965, 8.15 pm. The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo Presents by arrangement with Musica Viva Society of Australia the Fourth Concert 1965 series. President: J Bright. Joint Hon. Secs. Madge Edgar, Elsie Flanagan. Program One Shilling. Advertisements: Hesse Bros, Electrical Sales Pty Ltd., Edgar's Toy Shop Authorised Newsagency, Allan's House of Music (this add includes prices of records), In Doubt? Why Not Buy A Gift Token - Available From 10/- at Allan's, Charing Cross, Bendigo.

Inscriptions & markings

Boltons Print., Bendigo

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