Physical description

Account/receipt written on white paper with printed letterhead and dated September 1876. Court King of the Forest Dr. to the Bendigo United District. Items are:- To Special levy 225 Miners @ 2/- £22/10/0, Report & Miscellany 1/3, Red Ink 1/- 1 Qr Foolscap 1/6 = 2/6, Pens and Blotting Paper 2/6, 3 Ink Erasers 1/6 Pencil & Paper 2/6 = 4/-, Neck Ribbon 3/- Certificate 2/6 = 5/6, 500 Envelopes 10/-, 100 d 4/-, 2 Quire foolscap 3/-, 10 Quire, Note? Paper 9d 7/6, 1/2 Doz Balance Sheets 9d, 1 English D? 2/-, 1 Minute Book 9/-, 2 memorandum d? 6d. Total £25/2/6. 11th By Cash £22/10/0 leaving a balance of £2/12/6.