Physical description

Black and white image: head and shoulders of Mr. Alexander Watson, dressed in dark jacket, tie and turn down collar. Written on top 'Mr. Alexander Watson's power of expression amounts to genius' - T.P. O'Connor, 5th. Dec. 1913' On bottom 'Mr. Alexander Watson, His work is beyond all praise' - London 'Morning Post 2nd. Dec. 1913' On rear of postcard Two nights only 18th & 19th. May. Masonic Hall, Monday evening, 18th. May. Mr. Alexander Watson, will present a special Kipling night: McAndrew's Hymn; Oonts, The glory of the Garden 'Boots' Fuzzy Wuzzy 'Gunga din'. The Bolivar 'The clampherdown' 'Shamus O'Brien' 'Punch Brothers'. Tuesday, May 19th Part 1, The Merchant of Venice, Part 11 Charles Dickens & J.M. Barrie.