Physical description

Musica Viva Society of Australia, Music Advanecment of Australia. Letter from Diana Swan, Acting Manager, Musica Viva Society of Australia to Miss M Stanistreet, 293 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo. Enclosed are prints of photographs, just received, of the Societa Corelli, together with a list of suggestion which I hope you will find helpful. I also mist advise a slight change in your programme, which I hope does not come too late to be incorporated I the printed programme, publicity, etc. The Tartini cello concert has been replaced with the following: LUIGI BOCCHERINI (1743 - 1805) Concerto in D major for Cello and strings. Allegro - Adagio contabile - Allegro. Sorry about this alteration, which I hope won't cause and inconvenience. Letter dated 8th August, 1960. Letterhead contains committee members, address etc. M Stanistreet is an Hon. Sec. for the Music Advancement Society of Bendigo. Letter dated 8th August, 1960. Water Mark: AVALON BOND MADE IN GTBRITAIN, logo above.