Physical description

Document. KELLY & ALLSOP COLLECTION. 12 pale blue Share Certificates issued by the South Lancashire Gold Mining Company, No Liability, Armadale Gully, near Bendigo. Registered office Victoria Chambers, Bendigo. Each certificate represents 100 shares at 2/6 each. Capital raised 4,000 Pounds from 32,000 shares. Certificate No.104 issued to A.B.Harrison, Bendigo on 29 June 1903. Certificate Nos. 353 - 362 issued to R.J.A.Tonkin of Bendigo, on 23 Oct 1903. Certificate No.442 issued to W.J. Sparkman of Bendigo, on 12 April 1904. Certificate Nos. 480 - 482 issued to T.E.Williams of Bendigo on 11 July 1904. Certificates signed by the Mine Manager, S.H.McGowan.

Inscriptions & markings

South Lancashire Gold Mining Co.