Physical description

The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo presents: 1) 'Grishman Ryce Duo' - Alan Grishman violin, Joel Ryce, Piano. City Hall, Bendigo on Wed 5th Nov 1958, 8.15 pm. 2) 'The Smetana Quartet, Chamber Music Ensemble of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Town Hall, Bendigo on Tuesday 22nd October, 1957 at 8.15 pm. 3) 'Recital' Jenifer Eddy, Soprano, Alethea Upton, Piano, City Hall, Bendigo, Tues 4th March 1958, 8.15 pm. 4) Parrenin String Quartet', Town Hall, Bendigo, Wed 10th April 1957, 8.15 pm. Programmes 1/-. Bolton Bros Pty Ltd Printers, Bendigo.