Physical description

Plaque ( made of brown painted heavy cardboard ) with 21 photos attached. In recognition of services rendered by Mr. T.G. Issell, to the Master Butchers Association:
On top ' Presented to Mr. T.G. Issell'
In centre ' The Bendigo Masters Butchers Association'
On bottom ' for valuable services rendered as President'
Photos of 20 male people surrounding larger photo in centre. ( Mr. T. G. Issell ? ) are oval shaped, printed on a tin like material, slightly rounded surface.
Names are printed underneath photos. Names on board :
E.A. Webster, S. Sprenger, W. Inglefinger, M.S. Dunstan, W. Gittins,
J.K. Tarner Comm., A.J. Clarke Vice Pres. S. Hewitt, com. R. Wheaton,
Com. M.Mulcare, Auditor, W.S. Dunstan, Com. T.G. Issell, Pres. R.E. Issell Com.W. Issell, E.W. Hands, V.J. Ellis, g. Hill, W. Ewing, B. Newman,
W.J. Thomas, E.K. Varcoe, Sec.