Physical description

A white flyer with black and white print. On the front cover is a photo of Paul Dufault and the words, ' Paul Dufault The Great Dramatic Tenor Assisted by Violet Clark Soprano, Ernest Toy Violinist, Harold Whittle Pianist. Lyric Theatre Two Concerts Monday, December 22nd and Christmas Night. Direction Frederic Shipman. On the inside of the document is a list of Dufault's successes in Australasia and on the back cover are biographies and photos of the support cast. Also the words Touring Manager John Griffiths, Troedel & Cooper Pty. Ltd., Print, Melb. There is also a postcard with a photo of 'Paul Dufault the French-Canadian Tenor,' and on the back are the words to ' La Marseillaise the great battle hymn of the French Nation, as sung by Paul Dufault at his Concerts.'