Physical description

Small, white card, Sandhurst Branch A. N. A. Legislative Convention. Possibly 1889, see newspaper article 22nd August, 1889, Bendigo Advertiser. Named are the Speaker - J. Quick, Esq., L. L. D., Premier and Minister of Public Works - Mr. W. F. Noonan, Treasurer - Mr. W. McLean, Secretary - Mr. J. H. Curnow, Minister of Mines - Mr. A. Dewar, Minister of Lands & Water - Mr. McConachie, Minister of Defence - Mr. J. B. Young, Commissioner of Customs - Mr. J. Fry, Minister of Railways - Mr. F. Haverfield, Minister of Justice - Mr. J. E. Buchan, Minister of Education - Mr. J. B. Roberts, Postmaster-General - Mr. W. Grimley. A. A. Lester, Clerk of the House. ' Meetings every alternate Thursday at the Temperance Hall, View Street, Sandhurst.' Printing surrounded by border with a flower where the corners intersect. On the back is a drawing with a vase of flowers sitting on a raised part which is wider at the bottom. It has a plant engraving and underneath are two doves and a feather pattern fan.