Physical description

black and white print of mining camp / small black and white print of sketch by Ludwig Becker depicting a mining camp , Aboriginals and burnt tree stumps which appear to be religious figures ./ Unsubstantiated notations on back re location , plus letter from Bendigo Art Gallery and Printout from Multimedia Catalogue with artists details . / dated 1862 / source Miss Amy Robshaw / old black and gold frame /paper note attached to rear of frame ' This remarkable drawing depicts Camp Hill in the background with burnt trees where the Baby Health Centre is now .Note the religious significance of the fanciful burnt trunks and branches .Perhaps Dr. Backhaus was the Artist.' / Letter on heavy paper from David Thomas Director of the Bendigo Art Gallery dated 15.3.1989 to Felicity Kingerlee C/- Collins Booksellers , Hargreaves Mall , Bendigo ,giving his views on the origin of the sketch and enclosing further details from the Multimedia Catalogue which contains pencil notes - ' View near Chum Gully Bendigo , looking north towards Golden - Sheeps Head Gullies in which the grotesque old stumps were grouped in the foreground were situated in 1853.

Inscriptions & markings

Ludwig Becker