Physical description

Two licences, yellow-brown Victorian Gold License No 210, dated May 31, 1853 (a) and a Miner's Right No 20, dated 28 June 1861(b). The Gold License cost one pound ten shillings and for the month of June 1853. It was for Crown Lands within the Loddon District. At the bottom of the license are five Regulations to be observed by the person digging for gold or otherwise employed at the Gold Diggings. It has a crest at the top with a lion and a unicorn. Printed on a circular cnetre piece are the words: Honi so- -al y pense and below the lion, Dieu, in the centre is -t mon and under the unicorn is droit.
The Miner's Right No 20, issued by the Colony of Victoria, for the District of Maldon, cost one pound. Across the top is a crest with a lion and a unicorn holding up an oval piece with a crown and a lion on top, In the oval is an illustration with two men and a woman and sailing ships in the background. Around the top of the oval is: Moni s- - qui mal y pense and at the bottom: Advance - Australia. Under the lion is: Dieu et mon and under the unicorn: Droit. Has been stamped in black, but is unreadable. Signatures and names on both documents are very hard to read. Printed by: John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne.