Physical description

Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society. Season 1921, Second Concert. Seventh Grand Concert. Wednesday, July 27th, 1921. Artists: Miss Ivy Taylor, L.A.B. Miss Winnie Mayberry, Mr L Hattenbach. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Acting Conductor: Mr H W Gregory, L.T.C.L. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, A.T.C.L. Patron: His Worship the Mayor (Cr. D Andrew. President: Mr H M Leggo. Vice presidents: Sir John Quick, Hon. D Smith, M.L.A., Cr. J H Curnow, Cr. J E Holland, Mr Oscar Flight, Mr E S Cahill, Dr. W J Long, Dr. O Penfold, Mr A L Bolton, O.B.E., Mr G E Bolton, Mr D Berriman, Mr Alf E Wallis, Mr J G Oliphant, Mr Arthur Whitehead, Mr W Watts, Mr A E Sayer, Mr William Wright, Mr Magnus Cohn, Mr R H S Abbott, Mr Geo. Mackay, Mr Barkley Hyett, Mr A G Finster, Mr W E Bradshaw, Mr W J Campbell. From the performing members: Mr E H Collett, Mr A W McGibbony. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Acting Conductor: Mr H W Gregory, L.T.C.L. Sub Conductor: Mr E A Miller. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, A.T.C.L. Treasurer: Mr D H Holden. Librarians: Mr: Mr R J Duguid, Mr H Veale, Mr W Mansell, Mr A Ditchburn. Auditors: Mr H T Bayton, A.A.I.S., L.I.C.A., and Mr Harold Walker. Committee: Office Bearers, with Mesdames T Scott, Chisholm, and Misses Colgan, Gall Field, Lethlean, and Messrs Sleeman, Jeffery, McLure, Carwardine, F J Walker and Wittscheibe. Subscribers may book at Flights on and after July 21st. Box Plan opens at 10am. Holders of 2/6 tickets may also book without extra fee. Holder of 1/6 tickets may book by paying the difference (1/-) Admission: 2/6/ Reserved, 1/6 Ordinary: including Tax. Hon Sec. J Hudspeth (85Wills St.) Z S Martin (66 McKenzie St.) Programme. Concert to commence at 8pm. Doors closed during each item. God Save the King. Part Song: Hymn to Music, Weary Wind of the West, Vagabonds, Soft, Soft Wind, A Song of the Sea, Moonlight. Song: Jeanne d Arc, Ombra ma Fui, My Ships, Broken Vase. Cello Solo: Fantasie et Variationes Brilliante, Adagio, Gavotte, Berceuse Slave, Mazurka. Other Artists: Choral Society, Ladies of the Choral Society. God Save the King. Subscribers and Patrons will, we are sure, be equally gratified, with the Committee, at the great artistic success which the Society achieved in the colloboration with the Verbrugghen orchestra in the memorable performance of ''The Messiah.'' The great praise which Mr Verbrugghen bestowed on the tone quality of the vocalists and of their exceptionally clear enunciation and fine English was indeed very pleasing to all concerned, and was ample and full justification of Mr Frazier's methods and patient care in training the Choir in these particular points. Nor must Mr H W Gregory, the Acting Conductor's part be forgotten. He worked assiduously and earnestly, doing all possible to keep up the high standard of the Society's work. The programme presented to-night is also the result of his interpretation of the descriptive works of these modern composers, In bidding farewell to him at this Concert the Committee and members desire to express their thanks for the energy with which he has carried out the duties of Acting Conductor. We expect, at a very early date to the return of Mr W C Frazier to Bendigo. He is bringing, with him a choice of selection of the very latest and best of English and other part songs (both of the earlier composers and of the ultra-modern school) and patrons can look forward to a fine series of programmes. It is particularly cheering to inform you that, as a result of the visit of the Society to Castlemaine last year, a strong Choral Society has formed there with promises to . . . . . 4 pages

Inscriptions & markings

Bolton Bros. Pty Ltd, Print
