Historical information

BHS Collection

Physical description

Handwritten notes on recommendations for cleaning up and signposting Victoria Hill. Also contains list of photos from the Bendigonian of 1899. List of photos: Shamrock Mine, Undershot Water Wheel at Diamond Hill for Phillips Crushing Battery. Mr Ballerstedt's Crushing Battery at Victoria Hill, Thompson's Foundry at Castlemaine, Machinery made for Bendigo Mines, Air Compressor at Shenandoah Mine, Winding Engine at Koch's Pioneer Mine, Poppet Legs at Koch's Pioneer Mine, Air Compressor at New Chum Railway Mine, Fortune Hustlers G M Co Bendigo View of Mine, Winding Plant and Afternoon Shift and Underground Work in the New Chum Railway. Also mentioned are notes on Machinery made by Thompsons. Also a carbon copy of Annual Report to Bendigo Branch Royal Historical Society, Victoria 1/7/71. Mentioned in the Report are: Historical Ball, The Central Deborah, Victoria Hill, Tours and Society Business. Albert Richardson document ?

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