Physical description

Golden Square Methodist, Children's Picnic to Ravenswood, Saturday, October 23, 1915. Program includes time of train depature from Bendigo and Golden Square to arrive at Ravenswood 2 o'clock. Sports and races 2.20 to 3.30. Ginger Beer (free) - Children and Adults 3.30. Ice Cream (free - Children Only 3.45. Children's Tea (Free) 4 - followed by Lollies. Adults Afternoon Tea (Free) 4.30 followed by Ice Cream. Ginger Beer (Free) - Children and Adults 5.15. Sports and Games 5.30 to ? Train leaves 8.15 Moonlight. Six hours of solid enjoyment! No time to get tired or to wander about! No special invitation to anyone - Open to all! Railway ticket covers everything. Adults, 1/6; Children, 1/- Female Teachers and Senior Scholars, 1/3, obtainable at Mr R Saunder's or Railway Station prior to train leaving. Golden Sq. Meth. S. S. Scholars (Under16) free and will receive Tickets on entering train. Tickets good for trains leaving Bendigo noon and 3.15; Ravenswood 4.20 and 10.30. Teachers will kindly assist in carring out the arrangments. It is desired to strictly adhere to the programme. Bring own cups and pannikins. Hot water and milg provided.

Inscriptions & markings

Bolton Bros, Printers, Bendigo

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