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Handwritten extract from the Bendigo Advertiser Jan 2nd 1911. ''In absence of Mr McBride, Minister for Mines in the country, officers of the Mines Department were inclined to-day to say much about unwatering the deep Bendigo mines, which is again a pressing problem. Owing to the breaking of the steel wire rope at the victoria Quartz mine, the trouble was intensified. An arrangement had been made by which the companies affected along the line should contribute, but two of the companies, it is stated, suspended operations. A scheme has been placed by Mr Stanfield before the parties interested, and the officers of the Mines Department expressed the hope that for the sake of the future of deep mining, some arrangement should be come to. Unless the companies show a disposition to help themselves substantially, the officers do not think it likely that the Government will co-operate. There are, it was added certain provisions of the Mines Act, and covenants in leases can be enforced, but there is no desire to compel the companies which have carried on in the face of great difficulties, to do anything reasonable.''
Albert Richardson Mining History Collection

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