Physical description

Two handwritten copies of a Bendigo Advertiser report 16/6/1910 Page 7. This is a longer version of 3600.14. It was thought that the rush of water was from a dam bursting in one of the other mines, but as the water showed no signs of slowing that theory was discarded. The temperature of the incoming water was much higher than the Victoria Quartz was accustomed to bail, and this circumstance is significent in view of the increased temperature of the water at the deep levels in the New Chum Railway. Some months ago, the water commenced to flow from the New Chum Railway workings into the New Shenandoah, which is the next mine north. The water rose so rapidly that a disaster was narrowly averted. The mines along the line were connected at different levels and with the cessation of bailing at the deep levels in the southern mines, it was only to be expected that the water would find its way north to the Victoria Quartz. The water raised from the operating mines under the direction of the New Chum Drainage Association, a yeart or two ago used to exceed six million gallons per month. At that time there were eight companies bailing water, and even then some of the plants, especially those at the deep mines, were severely taxed in coping with the water, and performing ordinary work. Since some mines had discontinued bailing, the water has been filling up extensive workings, and as was predicted in the ''Advertiser'' some time ago, the Victoria Quartz Company could not expect to succeed with its deep sinking project without making some special provision for raising the water, which ultimately would become a source of trouble. The Victoria Quartz Company was allotted a special grant of 10,000 pound to assist in sinking the shaft 1000 ft from the 4254 ft level. Under the conditions of the grant, the Company had to contribute half the cost of the sinking, and the raising of the water has also been an exensive item. For the present, all attention will be concentrated in lowering the water, and should the appliances prove unequal to the task the deep sinking scheme can only be accomplished by resorting to some comprehensive system of combating the water'.