Physical description

Handwritten notes from the Bendigo Advertiser 5/7/1910 Page 3. 'New Chum Mines. Yesterday, Mr H. V. Whetelaw, officer in charge of the local survey branch, Mines Dep't accompanied by Inspector Ross, made their first inspection. Water has reached the 3224 ft. level. Now 1530 feet of water in shaft, including the workings below the 3324 ft. level. Bailing been carried on at the Victoria Quartz, Lansell's 180, 222, and New Chum Consolidated. It will take a week or more to get the Lazarus plant in readiness. Then the shaft will have to examined. At Lansell's 222, the water is 18 ft. below the No 18 level, New Chum Consolidated - 18 ft. below, the 1910 ft. Plat.' Bendigo Advertiser- New Chum Mines - 5/7/1910 Page 3.