Physical description

Portrait: sepia coloured photo of baby sitting on ornate cane chair. Baby is wearing white lace over over garment, with long-sleeved garment underneath. Written on back of photo in fountain pen 'Freddie Hickson Age ten months' On bottom of photo Alan Spicer Williamson Street, Bendigo. Information provided with photos: Frederick George Hickson born 1884, Tooleen, Victoria. Father Edward George, mother Lucy MaryAnne Aylett, married 1879 Kerry. Frederick died 1942, Heathcote, aged 86. Edward George Hickson, born 1837, father James, mother Barbara Godfrey, died 1915 Toolleen aged 78. Frederick George Hickson married Rose Victoria Louise Osborne in 1913. Rose Osborne born 1889 Raywood, father Louis, mother Margaret Ann Carmen. Children of Frederick and Rose : Edward George born 1914, Long gully. Margaret Lucy born 1916 Bendigo.

Inscriptions & markings

Allan Spicer, Williamson St., Bendigo