Physical description

Plan of the Victoria Reef Gold Mines Company, Bendigo showing the Eastern Victoria Reef, Victoria Reef and the Western Victoria Reef. Streets, gullies and leases drawn in. Some amounts of money and names have been written on the page. Signed by H. B. Nicholas. Locations of Ballerstedt's, Luffsman's, Wittscheibe's, Midway Co and Rae's engines are shown. Ironbark, Derwent, Providence and Long Gullies are shown. Also Mount Korong Road. Leases mentioned are: Jackson, Burrows, Wybarndt, Ballerstedt, Luffsman, Roberts, Ashley, Grant, Troy, Tezeau, Woodward, Croath, Taylor, Cranshaw, Gou?d & Co, Midway, Wittscheibe, Specimen Hill Co,Endeavour, Albert Co, Ballerstedt & Son, Hy? Co, and Wheadon.