Physical description
Photocopied handwritten notes with typed copy of same, on Sign Posts on Victoria Hill.. Sign posts were for mines and their associated equipment and geological formations. Initialled AR. Notes prepared by Albert Richardson.
- document,
- victoria hill,
- key to sign posts on area map,
- north old chum shaft,
- ballerstedt's first open cut,
- rock formatins,
- lansell's big 180,
- 20 stampers crushing battery,
- foundations 'cleopatra needle' type chimney,
- victoria quartz mine,
- rae's open cut,
- quartz roasting,
- anticlinal arch,
- primitive tunnels,
- coloured rock formations,
- adit,
- oblique fault,
- spurry quartz veins,
- prospecting tunnels,
- floyd's small crushing battery,
- gt central victoria (midway) shaft