Physical description

Two copies of document : ineteen handwritten pages of notes on 'The Rich Victoria Hill and Its Historical Association' Signed by A Richardson and dated 30 - 8 - 1971. and a typed copy of same. Notes include: Introduction, Hotels, Mines, Mining History and descriptions of features where the signposts are. Mines mentioned in the text are:
North Old Chum. Ballerstedt's first open cut, Lansell's Big 180. 20 head stamper, Lansell's Cleopatra Needle, Victoria Quartz Mine.
Cleopatra's Needle was a square sectioned brick chimney with this four sided pyramidal chimney top with four vents to allow the smoke to escape whatever the direction of the wind. It was demolished in the 1950's as it had a bend in it and it was considered unsafe. Lansell had two other mines with similar chimneys, the '222' in Chum Street and his 'Sandhurst' or 'Needle' mine near the Bendigo, Eaglehawk boundary.l
