Physical description
Carbon copy notes, with typed copies of same, which have been cut in half, listing Miners' Wages at the Deborah Mines, 1953. Wages are for a 5 day, 40 hour week and in present day currency. Miners received $27.20 or $35.25 if a Leader in a wet shaft. Braceman $25.80, Platman $25.80 or $27.05 if he worked in a wet shaft. A Mining Blacksmith $28.55, a Fireman, from $26.10 to $26.60, Winding Engine Driver $30.05 a week. Batteryman $25.10, battery Feeder $24.80. Engine Driver's wages varied from $27.10 to $28.90 if in charge of a dynamo and plant. The Basic Wage was then $23.20 a week. In 1895, employees worked a 6 day, 48 hour week and most men received less than $5 per week. The price of gold in 1949 was $30.98 compared with an average of $8.00 an ounce in 1895. When the Deborah group of mines closed in 1954 the price of gold was $31.25 an ounce. Signed by A Richardson 20/8/1971. Written in the margin: Copy, Compiled for Jim Sullivan 20/8/1971.
Albert Richardson Collection.