Physical description
Two handwritten and three typed copies of a Condensed Historical Record of Lansell's Big 180 Mine on the New Chum Line of Reef. Notes include location, shaft, first worked, size of lease, plant, engine house, boiler rooms, mullock heap, early history, Prominent, best gold, underground connections, pressurised hot water, diamond drill bores and a table with depths and the increase in temperature with the depth (in Fahr).
Albert Richardson Collection.
- document,
- gold,
- lansell's big 180 mine,
- lansell's big 180 mine,
- condensed historical record of lansell's big 180 mine,
- wittscheibe,
- ballerstadt,
- ernst mueller,
- theodore ballerstadt,
- george lansell,
- north old chum,
- victoria quartz,
- mines dept special edition 'australian mining standard' 1/6/1899,
- mines dept booklet 'bendigo goldfield' 1936,
- quarterly reports,
- lansell's 180 mine 'transverse sections,
- annals of bendigo mining sections,
- a richardson's observations from old photographs and measurements of mining plans,
- measurements taked from caleb thomas' report mines dept 1875,
- 'report on observation of underground temperature at bendigo' james stirling government geologist 1899,
- a richardson