Physical description

Handwritten notes on New Chum & Victoria. Winding Engine Pair 22 in cylinders. Two valves to each cylinder (Corliss?). One boiler - steel. 26 ft x 6 ft 6 ins diameter. Reference: T. M. Hooper, Mining Manager, Sth Bellevie United Mine in machinery. Report to His Directors probably 7 /11/1885. On the back with scribble over it, are some notes re Bendigo was making itrs own winding engines, air compressors and crushing machinery so efficiently that the Senior Inspector of Mines, Mr E. R. Neekison in a report to the Secretary for Mines in 1884 was emphatic that the best batteries, winding engines and gear have all been made in Sandhurst. Machinery made in Sandhurst was superior to any others in the colony for this class of work.