Physical description

Three pages of notes on Garibaldi, Ellesmere Co No 1, New Chum Consolidated Co N. L.,New Chum United Co, Lazarus New Chum Co Reg'd and Lazarus New Chum No 1. Notes include Legal Manager, Mining Manager, size od lease, machinery, information on shares and dividends. Henry von der Hyde was the Legal Manager of the Garibladi and W Martin, the Mine Manager. John Neeson, the Legal Manager of the Ellesmere Co No 1 and Henry Reed, Mine Manager. Henry Von der Hyde, Legal Manager of New Chum Sonsolidated Co N L and Thomas Sheppard, Mine Manager. Henry von der Hyde, Legal Manager of New Chum United N L and John Harvey, Mine Manager. Lazarus New Chum Co Reg'd and Lazarus New Chum No 1 Co Reg'd, Henry von der Hyde, Legal Manager and George Armstrong, Mine Manger to both companies.