Physical description

Cream, brown & gold certificate awarded to Miss Mary Foster for First Prize in the Eaglehawk Branch of the Australian Natives Association Musical and Elocutionary Competitions 1908 Violin Solo Open. Certificate signed by Robert Murdoch, President and Frank Walker, Secretary. Certificate has Australian Coat of Arms at the top. On the right side is a lady dressed robes and holding a trumpet in her left hand and a wreath in her extended right hand. She is standing on stage steps. At the bottom is a carpet, a harp and an urn with a plant in it. Printed under the bottom of the certificate is: Herbert Woodhouse, Lith: Law Courts Place, Melb: On the back of the mounting board is a label: From D. G. Coope & Son, Picture Frame Manufacturers, The Fine Art Gallery, Mitchell Street Bendigo. Established 1871.