Physical description

Correspondence re Frederick Clark to BHS from Horace Clark 4/2/1976, grandson. Schoolteacher m. Ann Lampard, 1860. Request for family information. Reply from BHS - extract from 'Bendigo and Vicinity' re a Frederick Clark (''not the one you are researching''. In Bendigo and vicinity a Frederick Clark is written as born in Warwickshire in October 1834, left England after being taught the building trade, in 1856, and assisted in erection of old university buuildings in Carlton. Arrived in Bendigo in 1857, became interested in building batteries for quartz mining, travelling throughout Victoria and New Zealand with mining interests. Frederick entered the Eaglehawk council in 1870. Twice married his eldest son George was in the Education Department, His stepson Richard Hamilton - mining manager in Arizona U.S.A. The book Bendigo and Vicinity was printed in 1895, and this man is the only Clark mentioned.
