Physical description

Document. Harry Biggs Collection. Item 1 - A letter with Borough of Eaglehawk letterhead to Mr H. Biggs, Royal Historical Society of Victoria Bendigo Branch, dated 9/9/1970, Re the Log Lock-up, Eaglehawk. It acknowledges a report sent to it & says a request for the Historical Society to become a committee of Trust for this building is being ascertained. Stamped with Reply affirmative11/10/70. Item 2 - a similar letter dated 18/9/1970 saying final decision will be held over. Item 3 - Instruction in letter form to Bendigo Historical Society Eaglehawk to plan & report the proposed Public Buildings Reserve Eaglehawk. Item 4 - Memorandum to Engineer's Report 17/9/1970 with recommendations for the various areas - Court House, Senior Citizens Club, Historical Society, Council Depot, Toilet Block, Occupied Land. Item 5 - Formal Engineers plan of Borough of Eaglehawk. Item 6 - Log Lock-up Appeal - list of donors.