Physical description

McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL. a/ Application for Mining Lease No. 10027, agreed to purchase from Executors in the Estate if the late W H Millet Allotments 164 & 165 Section (A) for the sum of 40 pounds, Executors agreed to sell North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL, Executors and beneficiary Herbert Jackson Leed consented to the sale. Dated 17/8/1933 Signed by: H J Leed & S Millett. b/ Letter dated 11/8/1933, an agreement to sell Allotments 164 &165 Section (A) Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo to the North Virginia Gold Mining Company for 40 pounds. Signed by S Millett. c/Typed receipt for 150 pounds as cash consideration for the purchase and transfer of leases No 10027 and 10150, Bendigo. Dated 21/8/1933. Signed J J Hall. Stamp Duty Stamp 3 pence. d/Particulars And Conditions Of Sale of Freehold Property, by private sale on 23/8/1933. Land allotments 168 & 159 of Section A Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo. Harry Eastwood Jones the vendor sold to North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL purchaser. Signed by Harry Eastwood Jones, Albert L Biescher, J Michelsen, Stanistreet. e/ Particulars And Conditions Of Sale of Freehold Property, by private sale on 23/8/1933. Land allotments 160 of Section A Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo. Charlotte Jones the vendor sold to North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL purchaser. Signed by Charlotte Jones, J Michelsen, Albert L Biescher, Stanistreet. f/ Written on blue paper. Received from McColl Rankin & Stanistreet for 200 paid up shares in North Virginia Cold Mining Co NL distinctive numbers 49801/5000. Signed Scott Bently. Dated 26/9/1933. Pinned to Typed receipt: 50 pounds and 1800 Fully paid up shares in North Virginia Gold Mining Co NL. Dated 13/1/1933 between H J Veale and J J Hall, J A Michelsen, J J Stanistreet date signed 15/9/1933. Stamp Duty Stamp 3 pence.