Physical description

McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, North Virginia Gold Mining Co NL. a/ Agreement dated 13/1/1933 Claim No. 115, mining right transfer from Harold John Veale to J J Hall, J A Michelson, J J Stanistreet & H J Leed owners of lease No. 10027. b/ Consent To Grant Of Lease, Quartz Prospecting Claim or otherwise 13/1/1933. Lease No. 10027 Signed by H J Veale in the presence of ?? Leed (p1). Leslie Veale partner of Harold John Veale Claim No. 115 authorizes H J Veale to act on his behalf to transfer the claim to New Virginia Syndicate. Signed by Leslie Veale (p2). Transfer Of Claim etc. to New Virginia Syndicate all right title and interest in Quartz Prospecting Claim numbered 115 known as Paddys Gully line of reef West of Neanger Mine at Sailors Gully Eaglehawk. Signed H J Veale Miner's No. 70059 dated 3/8/1933 (p3). c/ Agreement, North Virginia Mining Company NL application for mining leases from the Crown Numbers 10027 & 10150 Bendigo about 30 acres in Sailors Gully Eaglehawk and Bendigo and a company is intended to be formed and incorporated called North Virginia Gold Mining Company No Liability. Signatures: J J Hall, E D Doyle, J J Stanistreet, E R Grelis, Albert Beischer, J B Young. 3 sheets. d/ Duplicate of 2205.156c