Physical description

McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, Bendigo Mines LTD, North Neanger and Neanger Extended Gold Mines. a/ envelope addressed to JJ Hall & Bendigo Mines Ltd Option Agreement re North Neanger & Neanger Extended from McColl Rankin & Stanistreet. b/Letter to Mr. J J Stanistreet re Lease Nos. 10059 & 10035 (being North Neanger and Neanger Extended. Signed JG Standfield, regarding purchases of lease numbers 10059 &10035. Dated 20/8/1934. c/ Letter to McColl Rankin & Stanistreet re J J Hall & Bendigo Mines LTD. Dated 24/5/1934. Signed J G Stanfield. d/ An Agreement made 21/5/1934 for Bendigo Mines LTD to purchase Gold Ming Lease Number 10059 &10335 (North Neanger & Neanger Extended). Signed Sealed and Delivered by J J Hall in the presence of J M Neill. Signatures of Bendigo Mines Director ? Butt & S ? Manager.