Physical description
Photograph - sepia. Photography by Mrs Cook, (nee Jamieson), watch Makers Iron Bark. Quartz Miners Arms Hotel and store, Marong and Inglewood Roads, Iron Bark, Bendigo.The Iron Bark Hotel was burnt and the site is now included in the 'Little 180' Miners Lease. A piece of paper 'Hotel becomes a church', Age 27th March, 1920. The Quartz Miners Arm delicensed Hotel is now the Methodist Church. A piece of paper with Fri.3rd Nov.1893 - Funeral of Senior Constable Sheridan 1890 and Sat.4th Nov. 1893, Robbery at Messrs. Scholten and Marsh 1890,W. Wilkie, injured , Catherine 1890, other hand written things written on it. eg. Long Gully Library Thurs. Nov 9 - 93, mary Kennedy married Nove. '93, Maffie married Aug. 1893, Miks(?) married 1892,
Inscriptions & markings
Mrs Cook(Miss Jamieson) Watch maker, Iron Bark.