Physical description

'Applications and allotment of 12,000 new shares, containing lists of shareholders for The Central Deborah Gold Mine as at 15th January 1948, contains information regarding applications for shares, transaction details of what was sold, cost and allocated to list of people who they were sold to'. A3 lined paper, hand written with names of each purchaser and balances of each transactions. Blue & white forms printed as contracts of applications to the directors of the company to state who the owners of the shares were and receipt of payments. Forms state the issue of release of 12,000 contributing shares of 1 pound each per share which were submitted by shareholders desiring to exercise their quota rights. Also contains hand written receipts from the Bank of New South Wales Chambers regarding applications to purchase shares from W.J Donovan who was a member of the Melbourne stock exchange which was part of Union Bank of Australia in 1948. All paperwork signed and stamped by McColl,Rankin & Stanistreet Legal Managers & Accountants upon receipt. All wrapped in brown paper with hand written on front 'Application + Allotment of 12,000 shares Thanks Central Deborah Co. Feb 1948'.

Inscriptions & markings

McColl,Rankin & Stanistreet Legal managers & Accountants.