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13 April 1972. Bendigo Says Good-bye to the Trams. A1 sheet - double sided. Tramway history 1890 - 1972, 2 copies. At the stroke of 5 pm from Eaglehawk Town Hall clock 82 years of history will end as the last tram makes its sentimental journey to the city, while at the Bendigo Cemetery - the Quarry Hill line terminus - another tram will be leaving for its last resting place. Other articles include: Four Eras, of trams. The Trammies, covering Ballarat, Geelong in the form of a poem. 1927 and all that, by Basil Miller, remembering his 45 years of service with the trams. How it all started, The twin communities of Sandhurst and Eaglehawk were relatively early in considering the possibility of operating street tramways within their boundaries. Cabs, Battery Cars, Construction, Strikes, Bendigo 1890 to 1972 - Tramways. Man and his Mates, continued from previous page, Explosion, Touchy Task, A Quickey, Horrors. Electric in 1903, There was excitement galore in the City during April, 1903 - and the Advertiser recorded the progress of the new-fangled electric machine. One man's Memories, Tough times, humour, tragedy and comradeship - they all came flooding back as former Bendigo tramway-man Tom Griffiths recently turned the clock back. Keb Sir Keb Sir? 'Keg sir? Tram off the line,' was the call of the cabbies when a train pulled in at the Bendigo railway station. Altered Shopping Trend, With advent of the electric tram in Bendigo came change in shopping habits.