Physical description

Black and white wide screen photo: large group of people standing in front of and on steps of, Eaglehawk Town Hall, including men, women and children of all ages. On RH side of photo, visible behind group is a fairground ride, with chains and seats. In centre of photo, man in mayoral robes ( ? ) with three women on LH side of man carrying posies of flowers. On rear of mount,' K.J.G. Biggs, Health Inspector ' stamped on top LH side. ' Mrs. W. Pithie, 54 Church St., Eaglehawk' written in biro on LH side. Stamp ' Elsie M. Dicker, Photographer, 10 Armadale St., Northcote'

Inscriptions & markings

Elsie M. Dicker, Photographer, 10 Armadale St., Northcote.