Physical description
'Musicians' Birthday Book' of George Liddell (music school, Long Gully?) with associated documents. A. 'The Music of the Poets - A Musicians' Birthday Book' 356 pages with music extracts and text on LH side of page; space for birthday information on RH side of each opening page. Printed by Walter Scott Ltd. London and compiled (author?) by Eleonore D'Estrerre-Keeling; 2nd Edition. Inscription on (first) page - 'To Mr. George Liddell With Jack H. Bryant's best wishes for your birthday 1905'. Also on this page (handwritten) and Title Page: Mr H Lofts 16 Tait St Footscray W11. Also (attached to back of front cover) an envelope inscribed 'For Gentlemen Only - Ladies are particularly requested not to look' (card inside!!). Attached to frontispiece (glued) is Hotel Shamrock letter-headed sheet with signatures of Ada Crossley Muecke and Francis F. Muecke. On last page is Photograph of 'Madame Ada Crossley' with signature over of Ada Crossley Muecke'. Within the book are approximately 110 names/signatures set according to date of birth date throughout year. b. Envelope and letter to Mrs Galloway, Moe from John Barry, Manager, Shamrock Hotel, Bendigo, July 1985 re directing of the book to Bendigo (45 View St); c. Note; family history and information re Liddell family (researched by??); d. Note: handwritten in ink - 'for Mulke read McCachie?' and 'Liddell - Music School in Long Gully'