Physical description

Five(5) State Electricity Commission of Victoria Provincial Tramways Scholars Monthly tickets. No.B02369 5/-(Five shillings), Red stamped across the front with the word Cancelled in red ink. No.A03910 11/-(eleven shillings) Unused. No.A24951 8/6(eight shillings and sixpence) Unused No.A000250 12/6(Twelve shillings and sixpence)Has the word Cancelled and two diagonal lines,one long and one short with an initial in green biro.No.A000250 17/6(seventeen shillings and sixpence) with the word Cancelled and two diagonal lines,one long and one short with an initial in green ink. Three of the tickets are printed in black ink on the lighter side and two on the yellow side. Reverse: One, 5/-, is red. Two 11/- and 8/6 are yellow, Two 12/6 and 17/6 are light coloured.